YSS was originally established in 1963 in Tel Aviv by the late Simon L. Yaron and the late Jacob Shimoni, and later joined by Daniel Shacham.
Mr. Shimoni, who passed away in February 1996 and Mr. Yaron who passed away in April 2016, left a rich legacy of professional knowhow, methodology and more than 40 years of experience in bridge design. Mr. Shimoni was a leading specialist in prestressed concrete, highway and railway bridges. Mr. Yaron was leading major projects as bridges, marine structures, buildings, and other structures.
Mr. Shacham who holds an M.Sc., Civil Engineering, Columbia University, New York, USA; B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; licensed P.E. in Israel and New York State has over 55 years of experience and is a specialist in industrial, commercial, institutional and transportation structures, tunnels, nuclear power plants and stadiums. Together with three top professional staff members, today form the YSS team of Principals.
At YSS we offer extensive experience in a very broad range of civil engineering projects and are noted for our work in bridges, marine structures, reinforced concrete structures, prestressed concrete and steel structures.
We are recognized for our ability to provide innovative solutions for structures with large spans and heavy loads, and are frequently called upon to serve as consultants to other design offices in these matters.
The Company has an advanced computer system consisting of 40 work stations, 1 plotter and state-of-the-art engineering software programs including the main programs used in Israel - Strap, Ben-Arit and Dekel and such sophisticated U.S. and European developed programs as Sap-90, Bruco, Seisab, Larix, Fagus, Strucad-3D, Midas, Lusas, Sofistik, and others. All drafting work is performed with Autocad latest version including special programs – Catia, Rhino, Revit, RS2.
Every project undertaken by our office is directed by a Company Principal assisted by a Senior Project Engineer and other technical personnel.
Our Company Principals and much of our senior staff have considerable experience locally, as well as in Europe and the United States.